Suero para el acné de 24 horas

Suero para el acné de 24 horas

1 oz

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El peróxido de benzoilo micronizado de grado USP* al 5 % y el ácido glicólico al 5 % combaten el acné en el acto. La fórmula avanzada reduce drásticamente el acné al matar inmediatamente las bacterias que causan el acné y eliminar el exceso de grasa en 24 horas, dejando la piel libre de imperfecciones.

  • Seca rápidamente los brotes y evita que se produzcan nuevos brotes.
  • Exfolia suavemente para aumentar la renovación celular, dejando la piel refinada y retexturizada.
  • Tratamiento eficaz para tu cuerpo y rostro.
  • Sigue claro
El peróxido de benzoilo micronizado de grado USP* al 5 % y el ácido glicólico al 5 % combaten el acné en el acto. La ...

Customer Reviews

Based on 371 reviews
Impressive results!

I used benzoyl peroxide in the past and it never worked for my hormonal acne but this does!! It cleared up my peri-menopausal acne in two weeks! I have struggled with cystic and hormonal acne for years. I use this with the acne cleanser and BHA toner. Perfection!

Robyn S
Age: 55+
Skin type: Normal
Got this for my daughter

Her acne looked better in just two days!

Andrea Kapp
Age: 30 - 39
Skin type: Sensitive, Combination

I have only used it a couple times, but I have enjoyed the smell and feel of the product. The times I have used it, it has helped speed up impending blemishes, and prevented additional popping up.

Age: 30 - 39
Skin type: Sensitive, Combination
2nd time buying

Love this.

Age: 40 - 55
Skin type: Sensitive
a repeat purchase

I've purchased many bottles of the Acne Serum and use it daily. It is very helpful for reducing acne (which is a big problem for me). I don't get any irritation from it or have noticed dryness. I put it on first thing in the morning, do my workout, and then wash it off and do my full morning skincare routine (since it shouldn't be mixed with vitamin C, etc.). It does burn a little on application, but this goes away quickly. I highly recommend it for acne sufferers.

¿Por qué es diferente?
Este suero para combatir el acné combate los brotes de acné existentes y previene futuros brotes en la cara o el cuerpo. Nuestro peróxido de benzoilo al 5 % es de grado USP, lo que significa que cumple o supera los requisitos establecidos por la Farmacopea de los Estados Unidos.

¿Por qué esto importa?
Con la más alta calidad de peróxido de benzoilo disponible, obtienes una fórmula verdaderamente suave que no irrita ni seca demasiado la piel.

Otros ingredientes clave
El suero para el acné de 24 horas contiene ácido glicólico al 5%, que limpia eficazmente los poros en 24 horas, dejando la piel libre de imperfecciones. Los extractos botánicos calmantes calman y suavizan la piel.


  • Por la noche, después de limpiar y tonificar, aplicar sobre rostro y cuello evitando el contorno de ojos.
  • Dejar absorber antes de aplicar productos adicionales.
  • Puede usarse dos veces al día o según las indicaciones de un médico.

Este producto puede blanquear toallas y ropa de cama. Sugerimos tener precaución con ellos al utilizar este producto.


Ingredientes destacados

Ácido glicólico al 5%, extracto de flor de árnica, extracto de equinácea, extracto de foca dorada, extracto de flor/tallo de hoja de lavanda, extracto de flor de caléndula, alantoína

Ingrediente activo

Peróxido de benzoilo USP 5%

Todos los ingredientes

Agua desionizada, ácido glicólico, goma esclerocio, extracto de flor de árnica montana, alantoína, extracto de equinácea purpurea, extracto de hidrastis canadensis (sello dorado), extracto de flor/tallo de hoja de Lavandula angustifolia (lavanda), extracto de flor de caléndula officinalis, glicerina, gluconolactona, benzoato de sodio. , EDTA tetrasódico, hidróxido de sodio

Skin Concerns

  • Breakout Prone
  • Acne
  • Enlarged Pores

Skin Types

  • Combination
  • Oily

Complete su régimen

Customer Reviews

Based on 371 reviews
Impressive results!

I used benzoyl peroxide in the past and it never worked for my hormonal acne but this does!! It cleared up my peri-menopausal acne in two weeks! I have struggled with cystic and hormonal acne for years. I use this with the acne cleanser and BHA toner. Perfection!

Robyn S
Age: 55+
Skin type: Normal
Got this for my daughter

Her acne looked better in just two days!

Andrea Kapp
Age: 30 - 39
Skin type: Sensitive, Combination

I have only used it a couple times, but I have enjoyed the smell and feel of the product. The times I have used it, it has helped speed up impending blemishes, and prevented additional popping up.

Age: 30 - 39
Skin type: Sensitive, Combination
2nd time buying

Love this.

Age: 40 - 55
Skin type: Sensitive
a repeat purchase

I've purchased many bottles of the Acne Serum and use it daily. It is very helpful for reducing acne (which is a big problem for me). I don't get any irritation from it or have noticed dryness. I put it on first thing in the morning, do my workout, and then wash it off and do my full morning skincare routine (since it shouldn't be mixed with vitamin C, etc.). It does burn a little on application, but this goes away quickly. I highly recommend it for acne sufferers.